Sunday, August 20, 2017

10 Things About Me

1. I'm really bad at doing hair. I wanted a daughter really bad so I could practice doing hair, but she won't let me touch her hair.
2. I hate wearing glasses. I wore contacts for 30 years, had eye surgery & it didn't help, so now I am back to wearing glasses all-the-time, after all these years. It sucks big time.
3. I'm a cat person. You probably already knew that if you've checked out my blog.
4. My favorite colors are purple, blue & pink.
5. I hate mushrooms, eggplant & peas.
6. I haven't eaten red meat or pork since 1984.
7. I didn't have the chicken pox until I was 27.
8. I grew up in the city, in the suburbs of Boston. I have a horrible Boston accent.
9. I have always wanted to move somewhere that's warm year-round. I get seasonal depression starting September 1st. So coming up soon.
10. I don't like sports. I think they are all so boring.

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