Thursday, May 4, 2017

Stuff & Things

*Homework is a horrible thing. Especially a report. The 3 of us are aguing over the report. Ugh. It's due next Friday. I'll be happy when it's done.

*I need to put a stop on buying lipstick. I have way too many from Fab fit fun box & Lip monthly. I love lipstick, eye palettes & nail polish. So I have a hard time passing on them.

*I'm ready to dye my hair plum again. I can't wait, but want to do it a few days before our anniversary, so it should still be good for my b-day in June.

*My new cat is crazy. He loves taking Beanie Boos or other stuffed animals, socks & leg warmers off the bed & playing with them. The giraffe that he was playing with today was almost as big as he is. Crazy little guy.

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