Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bucket list (updated)

So I thought I would do a new bucket list. I thought of some new things. I want to keep them reasonable. I'm planning on thinking up some more things & doing another post on them. When the weather gets nicer, we will explore New England & have more New England Minutes. I might try to find some lighthouses & covered bridges to see.

1. Visit all the light houses in New Hampshire & Massachusetts.
2. Visit all the covered bridges in New Hampshire.
3. Go to Nantucket.
4. Learn another language.
5. Get my belly button re-pierced.
6. Get a picture with the Hollywood sign in the background.
7. Do the ancestry dna test.
8. Meet some relatives that I never met.
9. Visit a New England town that I've never been to before.
10. Go back to Bermuda.

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