Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What are you Looking Forward to in December?

Photo from Pinterest.

So it's almost December, the most wonderful time of the year. Okay, not my fave time of year, but other peoples. Summer is the most wonderful time of the year to me. Anyway, there's lots of holiday get togethers, cookie swaps, tree lightings etc... What are you looking forward to? We have our town tree lighting this Saturday, I'm going away over night to my friend's cabin scrapbooking overnight, We're going to our friend's house on X-mas eve, X-mas at our house, New year's eve at our house & not sure what else might come up in between that. Honestly out of all of that, I'm mostly looking forward to going away scrapbooking. I'm really behind & its been a year since we've gone away scrapbooking. It's nice getting away with friends sometimes.

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