Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday blues

It was a rainy day here. Stayed in & got caught up in a few things. I've been thinking about how fast time has been going lately. I have another review to do & some swaps that need to be mailed on Thursday, so I'm busy working on that. The main thing is getting my scrapbooking room together. Since the shelf fell, the room is just messy & crowded. I'd like to paint the wall a different color. Haven't mentioned that to the hubs yet. But we should have the shelf back up in the next few weeks. I will feel better once it is up. I hate messes & clutter. So then I can start working on scrapbooking & smashbooking once again. They both make me relax & feel good about being creative.

1 comment:

Elle Sees said...

that so happens to me too, especially when i clean out my beauty stuff!